I need your help with the campaign in order to compete against the PAC that just endorsed my opponent - OpenDemocracyPAC.com. Click on the donate link and do what you can -- every $ will help.
There is a group on the left that are making statements that are 100% totally FALSE. They say that I am NOT for "protecting pro-democracy champions at the ballot box so they can protect our right to vote." Could not be further from the truth - I will do everything in my power following the rules and regulations set forth to clean up the voter rolls. Everyone that I have talked with, regardless of political persuasion, wan them cleaned up and restore voter confidence in our local elections.
This is the other BIG LIE -- they say, "We must keep our nation’s election administration infrastructure out of the hands of election deniers and Big Lie believers."
I am not an election denier -- I believe in this non-partisan race, that elections must be fair, open, transparent, secure -- Everyone wants that -- Everyone wants to have the confidence that elections are run properly and trust in the outcome of the election -- Making it easy to vote and harder to cheat is NOT an election denier. Those accusations are uncalled for in this local race.
I encourage everyone to do your homework and compare the candidates and ELECT the MOST Qualified candidate that has ACTUAL experience with this position. I was a Carson City Election POLL Worker - my opponent hasn't worked the polls. I am a Title Insurance Executive with over 30 years of experience dealing with the recorders office and actual title fraud taking equity from home owners. I would consider myself as a technology expert. I have developed and created systems using public record data that will prove to be invaluable in the Clerk Recorder position - my opponent has neither the recorders office or technology experience to do this job.
I am hopeful the voters compare and understand that I am the best choice for their Carson City Clerk Recorder position.